How to automate your lead qualification in HubSpot

There is a good chance that your product or service is aimed at a very specific type of customer and that not all visitors are apt to become your customers.

In a disorganized system, the sales team contacts every lead entering the CRM. This is a sub-optimal strategy that impacts your results as your customer database grows.

The goal is to focus the efforts of your sales team on leads who are likely to become customers without wasting time with so-called “Unqualified” leads.

For example, if you sell “Team Building” activities in Colorado, it will not be relevant to contact your new freelance lead based in Paris.

In this article, you will learn how to create a Workflow capable of automatically sorting relevant Marketing Contacts to send them to your sales teams.



  1. Prerequisites
  2. Preparations
    1. Well define your qualification properties
    2. Create your qualification form
  3. Create the Workflow
    1. What kind of Workflow ?
    2. Enrollment Triggers
    3. Workflow Building
    4. Publishing
  4. Endnotes





To complete this workflow you will need:

  • At least one Pro HubSpot offer: Marketing/Sales/Operations/Services (required for creating Workflows).
  • A qualification form.
  • Qualifying properties.
  • An “Unqualified Reasons” property to identify the reason for our leads not qualifying. (we will create it together).

To illustrate this Workflow, we are going to qualify leads for a service targeting companies with more than one million dollar revenue, located in France with decision-making power over the purchase of our service and contactable by phone.




Before we start creating the workflow, we must define our qualification properties and create the forms necessary to collect this information.

Well define your qualification properties

To be able to automatically qualify your leads, you must first ask yourself what makes a lead qualified or not. Take the time to make a list of these criteria.

To reflect this information on your HubSpot portal, you need to create the corresponding properties.

As with every property creation, ask yourself which property format is best suited to collect this information. Also consider whether these are contact- or company-related properties.

When it comes to automation, avoid “Single Line Text” properties as much as possible, they will bring great inconsistency to your automation due to their unpredictability.

Then create these properties.

We want to be able to identify for each lead what made them unqualified. To do this, create a “Multiple CheckBox'' property called “Unqualified Reasons” and enter all of your qualifying criteria:

Qualification Workflow 1

In our case, we want to qualify a contact affiliated with a business, not the business directly. This property must therefore be a contact property.

Create the qualification form

Now that our properties are created, all we have to do is integrate them into a qualification form. This is the form we will use to generate qualified leads. A good practice would be to propose a Lead Magnet in exchange to maximize your conversions.

To do this, go to the “Marketing” tab → Lead Capture → Forms

Qualification Workflow 2

Click on Create a form and choose the format corresponding to your project. (If you want to have a form displayed on your website, select the first option “Embedded”) and choose the empty template.

Add all the properties related to the information you want to collect by “drag and drop”.

Qualification Workflow 3


  • Be careful to choose the types of properties corresponding to your needs (Contact Vs. Companies)
  • If the requested information is essential for the qualification of the lead, make this field mandatory.
  • Rename your fields for a better user experience.

Qualification Workflow 4

Once you have defined your options and your designs, all you have to do is publish the form and integrate it into your Marketing actions.

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Create the Workflow


What kind of workflow?

When creating a workflow, you will be able to define its “nature” via three options:

  • From scratch or from a template
  • The type of workflow (based on contacts, companies, deals etc.)
  • The starting conditions (empty Workflow, from a date, a date property etc.)

In this case, we will choose: From scratch, based on *The type of object you want to qualify* starting from an empty workflow.

Enrollment Triggers

Regarding the Enrollment Triggers, several choices are available to you:

  • You want to qualify only leads coming from given forms:

Choose “Form Submission” and select the first form. Click “Or” and add the second, etc.

Qualification Workflow 5

  • You want to qualify all leads with at least one of the qualifying information:

If you want to integrate all the leads with at least one of the information necessary for qualification, add them one by one by choosing “is known”, using the “Or” button.

Qualification Workflow 6

For this type of Workflow, it is important to activate re-enrollment in order to re-qualify leads who have had their information updated.

Qualification Workflow 7

Workflow Building

Now that our registration criteria are defined, all we have to do is set up our verification process.

The concept of this Workflow is quite simple. We will simply validate with If/Then branches if the lead checks all the eligibility boxes.

The first thing to do is to clear the “Unqualified Reasons” property value. As this workflow can re-enroll a lead, we want every re-qualification to go smoothly.

Qualification Workflow 8

In order to check a criteria, you just need to add an If/Then branch by selecting the value of the property to check.

Qualification Workflow 8.5

Name your branch to simply identify what that branch checks.

If the condition is validated, the lead will go to the left, otherwise, it will go to the right.

Indicate the reason for the unqualification under the right branch by assigning the corresponding value to the “Unqualified Reason” property. Select “add this value” and not “replace”.

Qualification Workflow 10

Qualification Workflow 11

Add a new If/Then branch to check the second criteria under the green branch.

Qualification Workflow 12

All you have to do is link the “Non Met” branch to the new branch to collect all the qualification criteria of the Lead and have him complete the workflow. For this, add the step: Go to over action and link it to the new If/Then branch.

Qualification Workflow 13

Repeat this process for each of the qualification criteria. You will get a Workflow like this.

Qualification Workflow 14

All that remains is to define the leads as qualified or not.

Under the last green branch, create a new If/Then branch and indicate “Unqualified Reasons = Not known”.

Qualification Workflow 15

(ps: don't forget to link the latest “Unqualified Reasons” to this If/Then branch)

Under the green branch, you are free to indicate the qualification of your leads:

  • Either by updating your Lead Status.
  • Either by updating your Lifecycle Stage.
  • Either by a “Qualified” Checkbox.
  • Or by any other process internal to your portal.

You now have a Workflow automatically qualifying your leads and indicating the reasons for non-qualification.

You can start from this base to automate nurturing, lead assignments, or automated task creation.



Now that everything is set up, click on Publish. A verification window will open and you will be asked to choose between two publishing options.

This workflow can be retroactive depending on whether you want to qualify all existing contacts who currently meet the Workflow registration criteria. Make your choice and select the corresponding option.




That's it, your Workflow is now operational and you will start to see your leads qualify automatically. You can also qualify your leads with HubSpot ChatBot.

If you want to find all the workflows created and presented by HS Simple, do not hesitate to request your free access to the workflow box. A private web page listing all the workflows requested by the community with a video explanation and a simple action plan in the form of a “to-do list”.

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Grégoire Bolnot


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