Lead Magnets, the First Action to Take on a HubSpot Portal

Generating traffic on your website is a difficult task requiring a lot of investment in time, human resources and sometimes even money depending on the nature of your acquisition channels.

Only here, we can make every effort in the world to bring traffic to our website, if your visitors do not know where to go and if no value proposition is offered to them, there is a good chance that these visits will not have any impact on your business and result in a high bounce rate.

It is in order to avoid this situation that Lead Magnets are essential for all effective Marketing strategies.

But what is a lead magnet ? “It is a quality and relevant offer that attracts the attention of visitors and encourages them to provide their contact details, thus allowing companies to develop their list of qualified contacts and nurture them with the aim of converting them into customers.”

In other words, it is high value-added content that you will exchange with your visitors for their contact information.

In this article we will see the role and importance of Lead Magnets, and their implementation on your HubSpot portal from their creation to their promotion.


  1. The importance of creating a lead magnet as soon as possible
  2. Create a Lead Magnet
  3. How to Implement a Lead Magnet on HubSpot
    1. Create a Dedicated Form
    2. Create a Landing Page
    3. Automate a Lead Magnet Sending Email
    4. Promote your Lead Magnet
    5. Bonus : Nurturing
  4. Endnotes

The importance of creating a lead magnet as soon as possible


Now that we have briefly introduced the concept of Lead Magnets, let's see why it is imperative to implement them as early as possible in your Marketing strategy!

It is Lead Magnets that will allow you to transform your visitors into leads and therefore to make your traffic generation efforts profitable.

Lead Magnets are, in a way, the essential step to advance your prospects from “Visitor” to “Lead” in your conversion funnel.

The more traffic you generate without having set up a Lead Magnet, the more you miss an opportunity to generate a qualified lead for your website. A visitor with no conversion solution is, so to speak, a “wasted” visitor.

The idea is therefore not to set up the most complete Lead Magnet possible from day 1 of your website, but to offer a minimum of value to start supplying your HubSpot portal with contacts. If you do not have the necessary resources, prefer to subscribe to a waiting list for content in production.


Create a Lead Magnet


The creation of your Lead Magnet takes place outside of your hubSpot portal, it is a matter of creating content with high added value targeting specific issues of your Persona.

Lead magnets can take different forms, such as guides, white papers, how-to videos, templates, free samples, quizzes, free trials, etc. The goal is to provide meaningful and engaging added value that encourages visitors to share their contact information and further engage with the company.

To take a concrete example, that of HS Simple, I created a private Notion Page, the “Workflow Box” listing “step by step” tutorials of a multitude of HubSpot Workflows aimed at getting the most out of the features of automation from HubSpot.

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You are free to define which format is best suited to your activity and your means of production.

How to Implement a Lead Magnet on HubSpot


Now that your Lead Magnet is done, let's see how to implement it in your HubSpot portal.

We can divide the implementation into 4 steps: The form, the Landing Page, the sending and the promotion.


Create a Dedicated Form


The first step is to allow visitors to provide their contact information in order to retrieve your Lead Magnet. To do this we will use a dedicated HubSpot form.

Creating a form dedicated to a specific Lead Magnet offers two advantages:

  • Generate information specific to a particular interest

As seen previously, a Lead Magnet must be exchanged for your visitor's information. Depending on the topic of the Lead Magnet, you can segment your base by interest and request specific information about that topic.

For example, if you have a Lead Magnet aimed at SMEs and another at Freelancers, you will not necessarily need the same type of information.

Also, Lead Magnets are not necessarily equal in terms of value provided. The more value a Lead Magnet brings, the more legitimate you are to collect a large amount of information about your prospects, we can see this as an equivalent exchange.

  • Identify automation triggers

The submission of a specific form is an effective filter for triggering automation workflows, such as the automatic sending of an email containing access to your Lead Magnet, or for Nurturing sequences specific to the theme of your Lead Magnet.

Also find out how to create optimized forms for qualifying your leads.


Create a Landing Page


Now that you have a form, you need to make it visible and present on your website. Although you can integrate it on a classic page, it is better to create a Landing Page in order to optimize your conversions.

A Landing Page is a page optimized for the conversion of your visitors and is only composed of an argument and a form. You have to think of it as a page reserved for the sole promotion of your Lead Magnet.

LM 1

To create your Landing Page, go to Marketing -> Landing Page -> Create Landing Page.

LM 2

When submitting the form, you can also create a Thank You Page that redirects your new leads to other content on your website.


Automate a Lead Magnet Sending Email


The last step in implementing your Lead Magnet on your HubSpot portal is to automate the sending of your Lead Magnet when your new lead has filled out your form.

To do this, you will have to create an automated email by integrating a link to the content of your Lead Magnet.

To create an automated email, go to Marketing -> Email -> Create New Email and choose the “Automated Email” option.

LM 3

Note: If this is a downloadable document, you just need to add your document to your file library and retrieve the URL of the file newly hosted by HubSpot.

LM 4

In order to send the email automatically after submitting a form, you can create a Workflow triggered by the submission of the form in question which will send the email you have just created.

To do this, go to Automations -> Workflow -> Create Workflow -> From Scratch.

LM 5

Choose “contact-based” and enter as enrollment triggers: has completed the form *Name of your form*.

First step, send the newly created email.

You should get a similar workflow:

LM 6

Note: do not forget to activate re enrollment to allow leads wanting retrieve your content again to receive your email.

Once the workflow is published, your Lead Magnet is ready to generate leads for your business.


Promote your Lead Magnet


In order to generate leads, use all the features offered by HubSpot to promote your new Lead Magnet:

  • Insert CTA into your blogs
  • Use Pop-up Forms
  • Use your Lead Magnet in your prospecting emails
  • Promote your Lead Magnet with advertising campaigns
  • Make calls to action in your various organic content


Bonus : Nurturing


You can continue your automatic Lead Magnet sending workflow by adding a Nurturing sequence emphasizing the theme and issues impacted by your Lead Magnet.

The theme of the Lead Magnet chosen by your lead tells you which topics may interest him and create a lasting relationship with your company.




I hope that through this article you will have understood the benefits of implementing a Lead Magnet on your HubSpot portal and the different steps for its realization.

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Asbriefly featured throughout this article, I also offer a Lead Magnet called the “Workflow Box”,A private web page listing all the workflows requested by the community with an explanatory video and a simple action plan in the form of a "to-do list".

Grégoire Bolnot


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