Baking SEO Clusters Like Hotcakes with HubSpot AI

Integrating ChatGPT into our processes has taught me that using artificial intelligence as a substitute for human creativity isn't always wise. Often, depending on the quality of the prompts provided, the generated content can turn out to be bland and struggle to stand out from the competition.

In my view, AI in content creation proves valuable in two specific aspects:

  1. Automating simple and repetitive tasks.
  2. The ability to develop content we would have never considered without this tool.

I'd like to share an insight on the latter that emerged during my reflections on the subject.

For a year now, I've been publishing video and written content on HubSpot, in two languages, through my website and YouTube channels. Between managing my clients, writing, producing, and content management, my time is extremely limited, leaving little room to realize all the ideas I'd like to bring to life. This has led to neglecting the SEO aspect and content creation for my site's blog for a few months.

However, by exploring the latest innovations from HubSpot in artificial intelligence, I've discovered a method to effectively apply an SEO content strategy by spending only 10% of the usual time required: the strategy of Content Silos, or "SEO Clusters".

Explaining the SEO Cluster Strategy

A content silo, or SEO Cluster, aims to structure content in a way that optimizes a website's search engine ranking for a specific keyword. This approach, perfectly integrated into a lead generation strategy, includes the inclusion of a Lead Magnet at the end of the user journey.

In practice, the goal is to create a network of interconnected articles covering all the search intentions related to the targeted keyword, thus increasing the site's relevance and authority on the chosen topic.

Let's take the example of "HubSpot AI" for "sports supplements": the goal would be to reference a main article on the keywords "HubSpot AI", with the aim of promoting our Lead Magnet: "The ultimate guide to HubSpot AI".

Facing the competition, positioning on these keywords is a challenge. This is where our silo content strategy comes into play, requiring the creation of a "Pillar Content" of quality and the writing of a series of secondary articles that precisely answer questions related to the theme and redirect to the pillar article. This method aims to position on long-tail keywords, increase traffic to the pillar content, and demonstrate to Google the site's relevance on the topic.

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A method to identify all the questions related to our theme is to perform a search on Answer the Public. This site will provide the search volume for all queries concerning our theme. Simply go to their site, enter your keyword, the targeted geographic area, and the desired language. You will then obtain all the queries in a very visual manner.

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All that's left is to sort through the queries that make sense and are interesting for your strategy and list them as potential articles.

Automating with HubSpot AI

The prospect of spending time writing numerous low-value-added articles, to the detriment of my clients and main content production, is inconceivable. However, the option to automate this article generation to improve the visibility of my pillar article is appealing.

Thanks to HubSpot, this automation is possible. HubSpot offers an AI Assistant, trained on the platform's best content creation practices, allowing for automatic blog article writing.

Best of all, HubSpot offers this feature for Starter package users at $20 per month for the first year and $40 in the following years. For this price, you'll benefit from the Blog management tool (the cost of a standard CMS) as well as all the basic functionalities of HubSpot such as CRM, Sales Management tools, Marketing, Lead generation, etc. If you're hesitating in choosing your CMS, I can only recommend HubSpot by offering you my affiliate link to create your portal in less than 5 minutes.

Using HubSpot AI Assistant and GPT for Content Generation

In summary, our strategy unfolds as follows: choose a theme related to our activity, create a Lead Magnet, write rich and valuable pillar article, list and write secondary articles with the help of AI, and finally, verify and adjust the produced content.

To generate an effective blog article, the HubSpot AI Assistant requires a well-designed prompt. However, not possessing the necessary expertise to develop prompts optimized for the HubSpot AI Assistant, and without prior detailed content preparation, two options present themselves. The first is to simply enter the title of our article, hoping for random results. The second, more strategic, is to leverage the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT to overcome this difficulty.

For this part, let's take the example of a blog on dietary supplements:

With the advent of user-customizable GPTs, a wide range of experts now offer specialized versions of ChatGPT on various subjects. The task is to find the GPT suited to our theme and ask it to design a structured plan for our article.

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For example, by asking: "I wish to write a blog article on 'The question identified on Answer the Public'. Could you propose a structured plan for this article?"

Once the plan is obtained, it needs to be converted into a prompt optimized for the HubSpot AI Assistant, which will take care of the final writing of the article. In this context, I highly recommend consulting a GPT created by a HubSpot and AI expert, "HubSpot Harry" by Nick Lafakis. Just provide him with the following prompt:

"I wish to ask the HubSpot AI Assistant to write a blog article on the following topic. Can you help me generate the best prompt to ensure the content is SEO optimized, relevant, and interesting?"

After pasting the detailed plan obtained earlier, all that remains is to use the provided response in HubSpot's content generation tool and let the AI do the rest. (Go to Marketing -> Website -> Blog -> Generate Blog Post).

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HubSpot will then offer several title suggestions based on different keywords, providing information on search volume, positioning difficulty, and search intention.

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After selecting the appropriate title, it is important to verify and adjust the article plan if necessary, and then generate the final article.

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It is crucial to carefully read the generated article, make necessary corrections and adjustments, and check its SEO performance before publication. Adding relevant visuals and integrating the pillar article through an internal link in a silo content strategy via the HubSpot blog editor are also important steps. Then select a main topic and a subtopic in the "Optimize" tab corresponding to your pillar content and your article, respectively.

By following this approach, your first secondary article within your SEO Cluster will be ready to be published. Ensure to create internal links between your pillar content and this article.

Simply repeat the process for all identified questions. In a few hours, you will have written and planned all the secondary content of your SEO Cluster, thus optimizing your online presence and SEO content strategy.

Reminder: If you're hesitating in choosing your CMS, I can only recommend HubSpot by offering you my affiliate link to create your portal in less than 5 minutes. (PS : I receive commission on purchases made through links on this page)

Grégoire Bolnot


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