5 signs your HubSpot portal needs professional Help

It's been a few months since you fell for the juicy promise of the all-in-one HubSpot tool and its Inbound methodology. Only then, you are not satisfied, everything seems complicated, you are afraid of breaking everything with each implementation and you almost come to regret the time when your activity worked on Excel spreadsheets.

The good news is that these are just feelings, HubSpot is really an extremely complete tool that can increase the potential of your business. Maybe you just need a little help!

This post is part of my blog series on how to find the perfect match for managing your HubSpot Portal.

In this blog post, we're going to look at five signs that show you need help managing your HubSpot portal.


  1. Sign 1: You find that you are paying too much for what HubSpot brings you
  2. Sign 2: You cannot maintain data consistency in your reports and dashboards
  3. Sign 3: You find yourself limited by HubSpot's features
  4. Sign 4: You regularly see errors in your automations
  5. Sign 5: You cannot organize and segment your database
  6. How can you get help managing your HubSpot portal?
  7. Endnotes


Sign 1: You find that you are paying too much for what HubSpot brings you


At first glance, HubSpot often comes with a pretty steep bill when compared to other B2B SaaS. However, the main difference between HubSpot and other services is its “all-in-one” nature.

Indeed, HubSpot on its own meets the majority of your operational and marketing needs and has the advantage of creating a synergy between all your actions that is difficult to replicate with a bouquet of services from different structures.

Moreover, when we add up all the SaaS applications necessary for the proper management of your business whose functionalities are available on HubSpot, your final bill will be very similar to your HubSpot subscription.

Chances are your opinion of HubSpot's price is bound to an incomplete use of the various tools offered by the platform. Being accompanied by a specialist guarantees you the implementation of marketing actions and operational automation optimized for your activity in order to take advantage of all the possibilities offered by HubSpot.


Sign 2: You cannot maintain data consistency in your reports and dashboards


You are coming to the end of the quarter and you need to create different reports and analyses company performance figures. The concern is that your reports differ with those of the commercial team, the acquisition team and you are unable to decide on definitive results, thus hindering strategic decision-making.

To avoid these concerns, it is essential to define and maintain a healthy, organized and consistent database. Caught up in day-to-day operations, you can quickly find yourself creating properties similar to other existing ones, using the wrong property in your reports, generating unusable data (for instance with the use of “single line text” property), etc.

Having someone dedicated to developing and organizing your HubSpot portal keeps your database healthy and consistency in your reports and dashboards).



Sign 3: You find yourself limited by HubSpot's features


I like to say that: “On HubSpot, everything is possible, it is just a question of knowing how to do it!”.

There is a huge difference between the features presented and pushed by HubSpot and all the possibilities of the platform.

Automation tools such as workflows give us enormous freedom of action on the platform and allow us to create features that do not natively exist on the platform. For example, the possibility of timestamping any action or bypassing the limitation of automatic attribution of your leads.

A HubSpot expert handling HubSpot daily will know, most of the time, how to find a solution to your problems and implement it.


Sign 4: You regularly see errors in your automations


The workflow tool is very intuitive, you simply manage to set up a nurturing campaign or an automated lead qualification workflow. The issue is that the more time passes, the more you realize that a lead has not been included in a workflow or that this contact received an email that he was not supposed to.

Indeed, your portal becomes more complex over the various implementations and automations carried out. Managing these automations is directly linked to a good database health.

The more your business grows, the greater the need for someone dedicated to the health of your portal who understands all the intricacies of HubSpot automations.


Sign 5: You cannot organize and segment your database


In the same vein as our second sign, the organization of your database also affects your ability to segment your leads. Not being able to offer analytical reports is a problem, but when the health of your database blocks you in your operational tasks such as creating an email list or triggering your automations, this can have far more serious consequences.

If you do not want to be accompanied for a long term, call on a specialist who can reorganize your portal and give you best practices required to keep your database clean and easy to use.


How can you get help managing your HubSpot portal?


Now that we have identified the different red flags indicating that your portal needs help, you have to see what your different solutions are.

Basically, you have three options: mobilize resources to internalize your portal management, hire a HubSpot agency, or hire a HubSpot specialist.

In any case, it is important to know how to choose the person who will be in charge of your portal and to understand how to work with them in an optimized way.




I hope this article has allowed you to see more clearly the different blocking points that you may have encountered.

If you need someone to help you, HS Simple supports you in the management of your HubSpot portal either by offering you external specialists or by optimizing your portal and training your employees in the management and mastery of this powerful tool. If you would like to discuss your management of HubSpot, feel free to book a call with me!

Grégoire Bolnot


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