5 Hacks to Simplify Your HubSpot Contact Management

HubSpot is full of “tips and tricks” that can make managing your portal much easier and/or faster!

In this article we are going to focus on 5 tips to simplify and speed up certain tasks of organizing your HubSpot contacts.


  1. Hack #1: Using Hashtags in your Contacts Notes
  2. Hack #2: Edit Contact Information Directly on the Contacts View Page
  3. Hack #3: Temporarily Display Information on the Contacts View Page
  4. Hack #4: Mass Edits and Automations on the Contacts View Page
  5. Hack #5: Search on the Contacts View Page to make a List
  6. Endnotes



Hack #1: Using Hashtags in your Contacts Notes


A way to sort information on annotations, call outcomes or comments related to your contacts and to use a nomenclature of notes based on Hashtags.


If all users follow this nomenclature, it will be extremely easy for you to find information entered in the notes of contacts by using the HubSpot search tool.



Hack #2: Edit Contact Information Directly on the Contacts View Page


Most often, a HubSpot user will work on a custom Contact view that matches his needs (in the Contact tab).

When you want to modify information about a lead present on the table of your view, you do not need to open his contact file, you just have to click on said property and edit it directly. (This does not work on properties that cannot be modified such as the creation date or the country of the IP address for example).


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Hack #3: Temporarily Display Information on the Contacts View Page


On your Contacts view, you have the option of filtering in real time by clicking on Advanced Filters:


The properties used in your filtering will appear on your view allowing you to quickly and clearly see the situation of your leads.


This tip is very useful when trying to identify a potential issue on your portal.


Hack #4: Mass Edits and Automations on the Contacts View Page


The real-time filtering of the Contact view allows you to manipulate your database in an extremely simple and fast way. Real time makes it easy to adjust your filtering to achieve the desired segmentation.

HubSpot allows you, within its contact view, to manually select the leads resulting from this filtering and to interact with them in various ways.

For example, you can register these contacts in a workflow, assign them to hubspot users, mass edit a property, etc.

These possibilities normally only exist through Workflow automations, you can use this feature to quickly clean up your database.

To do this, simply tick the desired contacts and select the action you want to perform:


Hack #5: Search on the Contacts View Page to make a List


The last tip of this article joins the previous one. Creating segmentation lists on HubSpot is quite a slow process as HubSpot takes some time to finalize creating a list.

Adjusting and editing a list can quickly become time-consuming and unpleasant. If your segmentation needs can be fulfilled by a static list, you can simply create a blank static list, perform your filtering on your contact view to be able to adjust it quickly and at your leisure, then add the final contacts to this blank static list .





If you want to deepen your HubSpot skills and find all the workflows created and presented by HS Simple, do not hesitate to request your free access to the workflow box. A private web page listing all the workflows requested by the community with an explanatory video and a simple action plan in the form of a “to-do list”.

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Grégoire Bolnot


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