7 Rules for a Well Organized and Optimized HubSpot Portal

For the majority of HubSpot users, the HubSpot Portal is the center tool of their company's activity, whether in the management of Marketing efforts, business processes, automation operations, and even more importantly, the management of the entire database.

Well organized, HubSpot is a very powerful tool. However, it's very easy to let chaos creep into a HubSpot portal. Chaos that can have a devastating effect devastating on the operational process and business results.

In this article, we will detail 7 rules to be strictly observed to maintain a healthy, organized and optimized portal for the proper growth of your business.

Summary :

  1. Clearly define the fields of action of each employee
  2. Define and respect a global nomenclature
  3. Organize and use folders
  4. Use HubSpot descriptions
  5. Use the right property types
  6. Set up a database health monitoring system
  7. Quarterly cleaning
  8. Endnotes



Clearly define the fields of action of each employee


The first action to take to maintain an organized portal is to define the actions that can be carried out for each of your employees.

A portal must follow an organizational logic. If anyone can create their own automations, properties, lists, etc. Your HubSpot will become an incomprehensible gas factory and you run the risk of:

  • Get automation conflicts
  • Not collecting the right information on your forms
  • Hinder analytical reporting 
  • Reduce the Speed ​​to Lead of your salespeople
  • Not being able to segment your database effectively
  • Etc.

To maintain this organizational consistency, it is important to define upstream who in your team is authorized to carry out which action.

Once defined, you can go to the “Users and Teams” tab of your settings to create teams, permission sets and assign paid seats if needed.

Organized portal 1

Note: It is strongly recommended to reduce the number of “Super Admin'' roles assigned as much as possible. Ideally, your portal should be under the responsibility of a single HubSpot specialist.


Define and respect a global nomenclature


As your business and therefore your portal grows, the number of “marketing assets” (emails, lists, reports, campaigns, workflows, properties, etc.) tenfold.

If no nomenclature is not in place, finding the asset you need will become more and more difficult and result in a loss of time, productivity and clarity within your portal.

It is therefore important to define, apply and respect a clear and global nomenclature to all of your assets in order to be able to identify any asset in an instant.

An example of nomenclature can be the following:

Organized portal 2

The most important thing is to keep this nomenclature for all types of assets, whether emails, web pages, workflows or contact lists.

Another advantage of these nomenclatures is to allow all users, notably newcomers to quickly and easily understand the usefulness and role of each asset.

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Organize and use folders


HubSpot allows us to organize most of our assets in folders and sub-folders (lists, emails, workflows, etc.).

The Breadcrumb organization of our nomenclature eases greatly the organization in folders.

Organized portal 3

Similar to BOMs, browsing your different assets on HubSpot will be much more obvious and allow you to identify the desired content instantly.


Use HubSpot descriptions


The operational organization and management of your database inevitably involves the creation of custom properties and the implementation of automation workflows.

It can be very easy to make the wrong choice for a form between two properties, or not to understand the role and impact of a workflow that has been active for several months.

To avoid these problems, you have the option of adding a description to your properties and Workflows. This internal data is only visible within your HubSpot portal and allows you to enter as much relevant information as possible relating to these assets in order to ensure proper comprehension and transmission of the efforts that has been realized on your portal.

Organized portal 5Organized portal 4


Use the right property types


HubSpot offers a number of property types (Dropdown, Simple CheckBox, Calendar, Number, etc.)

While it may be tempting not to consider every option when creating or using a property, it is important to understand that each type comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The most impactful example is the use of the Country/Region property (single line text) native to HubSpot in your forms which will make the country information of your leads completely unusable.

In general, it is better to avoid using "Single Line Text" properties when there are several other solutions.

Don't be afraid to create your own properties, even if it means replacing those designed natively by HubSpot which may not be adapted to your operational processes.


Set up a database health monitoring system


The more you will automate your process and management of your database, the more maintenance and error identification will become complex.

  • Has a Lead filled out a forgotten form on a landing page that is no longer up to date?
  • Did a new workflow create an automation conflict with a process implemented before?
  • Does every lead follow the correct path of your workflows without errors?

All of these questions require a lot of checking and checking time to get an answer.

You can use HubSpot's workflows to verify that all your operations are running smoothly. I will post an article detailing my database health tracking system in detail soon.

Quarterly cleaning


Applying all of these rules is easier said than done. Taken in the priorities of your activity, these steps can seem time-consuming and take second place.

Take the time at the beginning of each quarter to reorganize your portal, archive obsolete assets, update your reports, automations, and lists.




I hope that these tips have been useful to you and that you will manage to apply them on a daily basis in the management of your portal.

If you want to deepen your HubSpot skills and find all the workflows created and presented by HS Simple, do not hesitate to request your free access to the workflow box. A private web page listing all workflows requested by the community with an explanatory video and a simple action plan in the form of a "to-do list".

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Grégoire Bolnot


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