HS Simple - Mastering HubSpot to grow better

6 mistakes to avoid with your HubSpot specialist

Written by Grégoire Bolnot | Mar 16, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Managing your HubSpot portal is the cornerstone of your business operations and data management. Collaborating effectively with the person in charge of your portal is essential, especially if this person is not part of your team, for the good health of your activity.

To ensure optimal collaboration with your HubSpot specialist, it is important to be aware of the role he plays in your organization and to avoid these few mistakes that we will see together.

This post is part of my blog series on how to find the perfect match for managing your HubSpot Portal.


  1. Restrict your HubSpot specialist's access and scope of action
  2. Not giving your HubSpot specialist enough context
  3. Think of your HubSpot specialist as an implementer
  4. Act urgently
  5. Focus your collaboration only on the operational
  6. Don't set rules on managing your HubSpot portal


Restrict your HubSpot specialist's access and scope of action


It's important to redefine what a HubSpot specialist means to your business. A HubSpot specialist is the person who will be in charge of all the organization of your portal, from managing the database to designing and monitoring your process automations.

In order to be able to perform their tasks in the best conditions, it is important to provide your HubSpot specialist with all the necessary access (HubSpot Super Admin, administrator access to integrated applications, access to all internal documentation related to business processes, etc.)

Restricting his access will lead to a limitation of his field of action, time-consuming chats and potential problems related to a poor knowledge of the functioning of your business.

As you will have understood, effective collaboration with a HubSpot specialist requires great trust! This is why it is important to rigorously choose the person who will take on this responsibility.


Not giving your HubSpot specialist enough context


Your HubSpot portal is intrinsically linked to the daily life of most teams in your company. Each team has specific needs, expectations and constraints.

Make sure to create opportunities for regular dialogue between your HubSpot specialist and all the teams involved in using your HubSpot portal.

The optimization of your portal must be thought out as a whole in order to offer a simple and effective tool to each of your employees.

The more your HubSpot specialist knows about all the actions related to HubSpot, the more he will be able to shape the most efficient machine for your organization.


Think of your HubSpot specialist as an implementer


After just a few months, your HubSpot specialist will be one of the people in your company with the most comprehensive view of your business operations and will have the best understanding of your database and related automations (by being the author).

You can simply make a to-do list per week, but you'd be missing out on one of the biggest benefits of working with a HubSpot specialist.

Including him in strategic discussions and calling on his upstream organization and automation skills allows you to ensure the feasibility of a project, the different possibilities linked to it and thus choose the best strategy with the person directly concerned.


Act urgently


On HubSpot, I like to say that "anything is possible, it's just a matter of figuring out how!". And in general, there are always two ways to complete a HubSpot project: do it fast or do it well.

The more your business grows, the more complex and organized the management of your portal will become. Each addition or improvement must be thought out to fit into this great machine, at the risk of creating an incomprehensible gas plant.

If you have chosen a HubSpot specialist over an agency, it is partly for the responsiveness that he can have on your operations. But it is important not to confuse reactivity with haste.

Sometimes a last-minute task needs to be done within the hour, and most of the time it can be done. However, working in a hurry prevents this organization necessary for healthy growth and must either be limited to the maximum or be accompanied by a period of reorganization to ensure that your portal remains clear and efficient.


Focus your collaboration only on the operational


Along the same lines as the previous point, it's important to understand that to ensure the good management of your portal, a HubSpot specialist must find time for three types of tasks:

  • Operational

Aligned with your business objectives, it will constitute 75% of your HubSpot specialist's time.

  • Organizational

It's important to allow time for your HubSpot specialist to track, analyze, and clean up the general operation of your portal. Not allowing this time reduces the chances of identifying potential operational errors that could jeopardize your results.

  • Documentation

Unfortunately no HubSpot specialist is eternal and your collaboration may end up stopping one day. As seen previously, your HubSpot specialist is the person with the most knowledge and control over your entire database and your operations. It is essential to set aside time to document all the processes put in place to reduce your dependence on a particular person.


Don't set rules on managing your HubSpot portal


The last mistake to avoid is to not clearly define within your teams, which collaborator has the right to do which action in HubSpot and try to frame everyone's access as much as possible. There's nothing more frustrating for a HubSpot specialist to see everyone creating new properties, unlisted lists, forms using the wrong properties, etc.




Finding the perfect HubSpot specialist for your business is no easy task. Through this article, I hope I have been able to guide your research and avoid pitfalls that could negatively impact your business.

If you want to discuss with me your search for a HubSpot specialist, I will be happy to help you.