HS Simple - Mastering HubSpot to grow better

How to internalize the management of your HubSpot portal

Written by Grégoire Bolnot | Mar 23, 2023 10:00:00 AM

If you've been using HubSpot for a while, you must have faced one of those two issues: You feel like you're not getting the most value out of this expensive tool, or, you feel like you no longer have control over your portal since it is managed by a HubSpot agency or an external specialist.

Outsourcing the management of its portal has many advantages such as the guarantee of an optimal management of your HubSpot and the development of the full potential of your tool. However, internalizing the management of a platform dealing with all your customer data and all of your company's processes and automations can be a safe choice.

Still need to know how to go about it! In this article, we will see together how to internalize the management of your HubSpot portal.

This article is part of my blog series on how to find the perfect match for managing your HubSpot Portal.


  1. Benefits of in-house management of your HubSpot portal
    1. Cost savings
    2. Greater control and flexibility
    3. Enhanced security
    4. Better alignment with company goals and values
  2. Assess your company's readiness for insourcing
    1. Identify the resources needed for internalization
    2. Assess your team's skills
  3. Steps to internalize the management of your HubSpot portal
    1. Provide training and resources to your new internal HubSpot specialist
    2. Assign roles and responsibilities
    3. Continuously document implementations in your HubSpot portal
  4. Endnotes


Benefits of in-house management of your HubSpot portal


Before we dive into the best practices for internalizing the management of your HubSpot portal, let's take a look at the benefits of self-managing HubSpot.

Cost savings

Outsourcing the management of your HubSpot portal is very expensive. Whether you go through a HubSpot Agency or a HubSpot Specialist, deep knowledge of HubSpot is a rare skill with high added value. These services will always come with a significant cost.

By internalizing this skill, you will therefore save money in the long term. While guaranteeing your autonomy.

Greater control and flexibility

Another of the advantages of internalization of your HubSpot portal management is to enjoy full control and flexibility over your tool.

Although this point is also possible if you work with a HubSpot specialist, a HubSpot agency will often offer packages of actions to be delivered and planned upstream that will not be able to adapt to the growing needs of your business.

Internalizing the management of your portal guarantees that a dedicated person within your team can implement new processes serving your growth goals as quickly as possible. You can decide in real time the direction your portal will take and adjust it indefinitely according to your needs.

It is towards this goal that HS Simple directs its support offer with full-time and long term collaborations.

Enhanced security

When we talk about data management (and more particularly customer data) or operational processes, security is a crucial issue. It is best to avoid handing over the “keys of your kingdom” to a stranger.

Managing a HubSpot portal means constantly handling this confidential data. By internalizing this skill, you also strengthen the security of this data.

Better alignment with company goals and values

In my opinion, one of the most valuable benefits of internalizing this skill. Managing a HubSpot portal means transforming a business tool into your best business asset to help each of your company's teams unlock their potential.

A member of the team will always be better able to embody the goals and values ​​of your company to transcribe them in the construction of a portal optimized specifically for your organization.


Assess your company's readiness for insourcing


Identify resources needed for internalization

The two main resources required to guarantee a good internalization of the management of your HubSpot portal are: human resources and time.

When we talk about managing a HubSpot portal, it's not just about creating email sequences and sending invitations to your database for your new webinar. It's about maximizing the tools provided by HubSpot to have a database that is both complete and accessible, and to automate all of your company's processes optimally, in order to provide maximum productivity for all your employees.

It's important to dedicate a person entirely in this management and to give him the time necessary for the proper management of this platform at the risk of creating errors and not being able to identify them directly.

Assess the skills of your team

In order to define the best person to manage your HubSpot portal, it is important to understand that the most important skills to master are not the knowledge of the platform (this can be learned), these are:

  • Curiosity,
  • Personal organization
  • Complete understanding of your business processes and operations
  • An appetite for testing
  • An appetite for problem solving
  • An appetite for change

It may appear a bit cliché but after more than 7 years of experience on HubSpot, my daily life as a specialist is to manipulate the platform features to solve a different business challenge every day without being afraid to constantly deconstruct and reorganize the portal.

Without these skills, your portal will stagnate and limit your growth.


Steps to internalize the management of your HubSpot portal


Provide training and resources to your new internal HubSpot specialist

As said before, mastery of the platform should not be a dominant criterion in the choice of your new HubSpot specialist, but it is obviously essential for the proper management of your portal.

Fortunately, you will be able to provide this collaborator with a huge library of varied and free trainings offered by HubSpot to accompany him on mastering all the features of the platform as well as the Marketing and Sales theories supported by HubSpot.

This basic knowledge is essential for the management of your portal but will not make your collaborator an experienced operational specialist ready to manipulate your portal to ensure all your growth goals.

For this, HS Simple supports companies in their desire to internalize by optimizing your portal and training your employees with the best management practices to empower you in your management of HubSpot. In 30 days, you will have a portal tailored to your needs and a team ready to manage and optimize it over the long term.

Assign roles and responsibilities

HubSpot is a collaborative tool on which a large part of your collaborators are brought to work on. One of the most important rules in HubSpot portal management is to define everyone's roles and limit accesses accordingly. Your new specialist should be responsible for the platform as a whole and should be the only person managing your data and processes.

The other members must maintain an operational position related to their role (creation and sending of emails, commercial management of assigned leads, etc.)

Continuously document implementations in your HubSpot portal

Having someone dedicated to managing your HubSpot portal doesn't mean that only one person needs to understand how it works.

The various collaborators using HubSpot must be aware of the various implementations of the platform and must understand how the data is organized. (For example to allow the management team to be autonomous in the analysis of the various dashboards).

It is capital to constantly communicate and document the work and actions carried out on your portal to guarantee a good flow of information and to facilitate the transmission if ever your specialist has to leave you for a particular reason. Not taking care of the documentation is one of the biggest mistakes when managing a hubSpot portal!




I hope this article has helped you understand the advantages and important points of the internalization of this key skill.

As mentioned in this article. HS Simple supports you in the management of your HubSpot portal either by offering you external specialists or by optimizing your portal and training your employees in the management of this powerful tool. If you would like to discuss your HubSpot management, do not hesitate to make an appointment with me!