5 Hacks for Optimizing Your HubSpot Property Management

HubSpot is full of “tips and tricks” that can make managing your portal much easier and/or faster!

In this article we're going to focus on 5 property tips on HubSpot. Thanks to those tips, you will be able to organize your contact database in a more optimal way.


  1. Hack #1: Property Copy
  2. Hack #2: Delay Properties
  3. Hack #3: The “Today’s Date” Property
  4. Hack #4: Lead Scoring Applied to Other Domains
  5. Hack #5: Emojis in your Properties
  6. Endnotes


Hack #1: Property Copy


Already presented several times on this blog, property copying is very useful for optimizing the management of your HubSpot database.

Through a simple Copy Workflow, you will be able to:

  • Convert a property of one object to a property of another object (ex: A contact property to a company property).
  • Convert one type of property to another type (ex: A “Dropdown Menu” property to a “Single Line Text” property).

One may wonder what is the point of making these conversions. There is a difference between how we collect information on HubSpot (whether due to the limitations of the tool itself or the user experience) and the most optimal way to store it in our database or to use it for our processes and reports.

For example, a HubSpot appointment forms or pop-up forms only allow us to collect contact properties. A copy then makes it possible to retrieve information about a contact's company in order to then convert it and store it on the associated company file.

Another example concerning type conversions: The type of property impacts the way in which we will be able to filter our database vis-à-vis this property. For example a “Number” property will be filtered by numerical order (Less than, equal, greater than, etc.), whereas a “single line text” property could be filtered by “begins with” “contains ”, “ends with”. To perform an equal lead assignment workflow, we need to identify the last numbers from the Record ID (number) property. So we need to do a copy to convert this property to ‘single line text’.

This is what a Copy Workflow looks like:


Hack #2: Delay Properties


HubSpot allows us to create Calculation properties. Among the Calculation options we find the possibility of creating “Delay between” properties.

These properties allow us to calculate the number of days between two date properties. Thanks to these properties, you can create automated tasks to recontact leads X days after their creation or the last call, for example.

To create a “Time between” calculation property, create a new property, select the “Calculation” type and in the calculation formula select the “Time between” option, all you have to do is choose the two concerned properties of dates.



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Hack #3: The “Today’s Date” Property


This trick will allow you to trigger automations or delay properties based on today's date. All you have to do is create two properties and two workflows that will allow you to update a date property that always displays today's date.

You are free to be creative in how you use this new possibility.

To do this, create two date properties:

  • "Today's date"
  • “Today's date - internal loop”

Then create a workflow from scratch that you will name “Setup: Today’s date”.

Here's how to create this workflow:


Next, create a second Workflow called “Today's Date - loop WF” which will be constructed as follows:


WARNING: You absolutely must, for both Workflows, activate re-enrollment:


The system works as follows:

The first workflow will set today's date to the "Today's date" property and will automatically enroll the contact in the second workflow.

The second workflow has a 24-hour delay before filling in the “Today’s date - internal Loop” property

This property, when known, re-triggers our first workflow which will update the “Today's date” property by deleting the “Today's date - internal loop” property, which will allow a infinite cycle between these two Workflows.

Thus, every day (every 24h) the property with today's date will be updated.

During the first launch, make a list composed of all your databases and manually register this list to the “Setup: Today’s Date” Workflow.


Hack #4: Lead Scoring Applied to Other Domains


HubSpot natively offers a property called “HubSpot Score” used to define the Lead Scoring of your contacts.

But did you know that you can create a multitude of Score properties to measure other types of engagement such as customer retention, satisfaction or any other information necessary for the smooth running of your operations?

To do so, all you have to do is create a new Score property and indicate the metrics you want to take into account.


This trick also allows you to test several Lead Scoring models simultaneously.


Hack #5: Emojis in your Properties


Our last tip can brighten up your daily life on HubSpot. The property editor allows you to enter Emojis as a value.

Although ancillary, this feature will allow you to build a much more visual database and brighten up the various dashboards of your portal.


It is strongly advised to limit the use of Emojis values ​​to defined choice properties (drop-down menu, multiple choices, etc.) in order to keep your data consistent.




If you want to deepen your HubSpot skills and find all the workflows created and presented by HS Simple, do not hesitate to request your free access to the workflow box. A private web page listing all the workflows requested by the community with an explanatory video and a simple action plan in the form of a “to-do list”.

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Grégoire Bolnot


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